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Articles Posted in Government Negligence


Monroe County Jail Suicide Triggers Wrongful Death Lawsuit.

Jail suicide triggers lawsuit.  Incident led to disciplinary measures. By: Bennett Loudon December 3, 2019 The mother of a woman who committed suicide while being held in the Monroe County Jail has filed a lawsuit against the county. On Sept. 4, 2018, Sitarah Daniels hanged herself with a blanket tied…


Unsafe EPA Asbestos Experiment and the Federal Tort Claims Act

According to an internal audit conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of the Inspector General titled “EPA’s Alternative Asbestos Control Method Experiments Lacked Effective Oversight and Threatened Human Health,” asbestos removal experiments conducted by the EPA for more than a decade threatened both human health and the environment.…


Suing The Government for Negligence Under the Federal Tort Claims Act

In 1946, the Federal Tort Claims Act (“FCTA”) was passed. The FTCA permits citizens to file a lawsuit against the United States for negligence. Government employees can make mistakes in countless ways. Examples of government negligence include VA medical malpractice, postal vehicle collisions, and air traffic controller mistakes. The FTCA,…

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