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Syracuse Tylenol Recall Lawyers Report On Potential Bacteria Contamination

Johnson & Johnson and McNeil Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer(s) of several well-known over-the-counter (OTC) children’s medications, recently recalled several lots of Infants’ Tylenol, Children’s Tylenol, Children’s Motrin, Children’s Zyrtec and Children’s Benadryl. According to the company, some of the medicines being recalled “may contain a higher concentration of active ingredient than is specified.” Others “may contain inactive ingredients that may not meet internal testing requirements.” Still others “may contain tiny particles.”

While the risk of harm to consumers is low, if your child got sick after taking Tylenol, you and your child may be entitled to compensation from McNeil and should consider calling a Syracuse product liability lawyer, such as a Bottar Law, PLLC attorney, to discuss a Tylenol recall lawsuit. According to an FDA report, the recall was prompted by “sloppy” quality control. Debra M. Autor, of the FDA, told the New York Times that “[t]his is yet another example of the need for companies to take full accountability for the quality of their drugs, and the serious consequences that can happen when companies do not do so.”

Investigators believe that some of the medications were manufactured with raw ingredients that were contaminated with a still-unknown bacteria. According to McNeill, no product containing bacteria was sold. We believe that McNeill’s apparent surprise at the possibility of contamination is suspect, given that it received complaints of foul smelling Tylenol Arthritis Pain caplets in early 2008. Those complaints were not reported to the FDA’s Recalls and Shortages Branch until September of 2009.

To speak with an experiences Syracuse New York medication recall lawyer, contact us by telephone at (833) 268-8277 or by email at

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